※Prices include consumption tax.
※10% service charge will be added.
※We offer “Chef’s Choice Courses” individually tailored to each guest at our restaurant. Therefore, we inquire about any food allergies or dislikes when making a reservation.
-Anniversary course benefits –
特典1 乾杯用ドリンクサービス
特典2 コースデザートをお祝いメッセージプレートに
特典3 花束のご用意をさせていただきます。
Benefit 1: Complimentary Cheers Drink Service
Benefit 2: Course Dessert presented with a Celebration Message Plate
Benefit 3: We will provide a bouquet.
※Prices include consumption tax.
※10% service charge will be added.
※We offer “Chef’s Choice Courses” individually tailored to each guest at our restaurant. Therefore, we inquire about any food allergies or dislikes when making a reservation.
キャビア / Caviar
リ-ズナブルにお召し上がりいただけるイタリア産の熟成のかかった物をご用意しております。 ねっとりと気品のある食感を是非、お祝いの席でお召し上がりください。フランス産セヴル-ガオシェトラタイプのキャビアもご用意致します。
We have prepared aged Italian cheese that you can enjoy at a reasonable price. Please savor its rich and elegant texture on your celebratory occasion. We also offer caviar of the Sévruga Oscietra type from France.
牡蠣 / Oyster
その日、市場で選んだ新鮮な牡蠣を提供致します。産地・種類 は季節により吟味致します。フランス産の牡蠣もご予約ください。※デリケ-トな食材になります。新鮮な物をご用意いたしますが体調により御気分が悪く成る場合があります。ご理解の上お召し上がりください。
On that day, we will provide you with freshly selected oysters from the market. The origin and type of oysters will be carefully chosen based on the season. Please also consider reserving French oysters in advance.*Oysters are delicate ingredients. While we ensure their freshness, they may not agree with everyone’s stomach. Please enjoy them with this understanding.
トリュフ / Truffle
5月~12 月のシ-ズン中、良い物を取り寄せお召し上がりいた だきます。香りの抜群な秋・冬 トリュフ。リーズナブルにたっぷりお召し上がり頂けるサマ-トリュフ。大変貴重な白トリュフ。お召し上がり方法は、是非係りの者とご相談下さい。 その他、フォアグラ・ピンクアスパラガス・フレッシュポルチーニなど他店では召し上がれない貴重な食材を ご用意しております。
From May to December during the season, we source and offer excellent ingredients. We have aromatic autumn and winter truffles, which are perfect for those months. There are also summer truffles that you can enjoy abundantly at a reasonable price. Additionally, we have the highly sought-after white truffles. Please feel free to consult with our staff on how to enjoy them. We also provide other rare ingredients that you won’t find in other restaurants, such as foie gras, pink asparagus, fresh porcini mushrooms, and more.
– Regarding Reservations –
During both lunch and dinner times, we prioritize customers with reservations. For walk-in customers, there may be a waiting period, or we may kindly request them to visit on another day, as we aim to ensure a reserved seat is available for you. To guarantee a seat and enable us to prepare accordingly, we kindly ask that you make a reservation in advance. Additionally, we normally accept reservations for up to 4 guests. For reservations of 5 or more guests, we kindly request that you decide on your menu choices along with reserving your table. We look forward to receiving your reservation call.